Recognizing Visionary Higher Education Institutions

The Tambellini Future Campus Award™ honors innovative higher education institutions that leverage and integrate artificial intelligence or other cutting-edge technologies to redefine the landscape of learning, administration, and campus life.

The Future Campus Award celebrates colleges and universities for achieving significant progress in creating a sustainable, efficient, and inclusive Future Campus™. These institutions demonstrate a dedication to improvement and leadership in shaping the future of education, fostering academic excellence, and enhancing operational resilience through technological advancement. 

Prize Package

$10,000 will be awarded to the selected institution.

The application window for the Future Campus Award is now closed.

Key Dates

Future Campus Award Timeline 2024

2024 Future Campus Award Criteria

Nominated institutions should have demonstrated excellence in one of the following four categories: 


  1. Innovation in AI and Technology Integration  
    Demonstrated excellence in adopting and integrating artificial intelligence or other innovative technologies to enhance teaching, learning, research, and campus operations. 

  2. Impact on Learning Outcomes and Experience 
    Implementation of technology with tangible impact on improving learning outcomes, student engagement, accessibility, and personalized learning experiences. 

  3. Operational Efficiency and Sustainability  
    Demonstrated improvements in operational efficiency, cost reductions, and sustainability initiatives because of technology adoption, with a focus on long-term institutional financial health. 

  4. Collaborative Initiatives 
    Active participation in or initiation of collaborative projects that leverage technology for academic innovation and efficiencies, including partnerships with industry, government, community organizations, and/or other higher education institutions.

Combined with:

  • Commitment to Ethical Considerations  
    Adherence to ethical standards in the deployment of AI and technology, including concerns related to privacy, security, and equity, ensuring a responsible approach to technological advancement.  
  • Future Vision and Scalability 
    A clearly articulated strategic vision for the future role of AI and technology at their institution, including plans for scaling successful initiatives and adapting to emerging technological trends.  


The Future Campus Award Selection Process

Institutions or a nominating entity can submit applications detailing their achievements and initiatives in line with the award criteria by Tuesday, April 30, 2024.  

A panel of Tambellini analysts and advisors will review submissions. Finalists will be selected based on their:  

  • Comprehensive approach to integrating technology  
  • The measurable impact of their initiatives 
  • Their vision for the future

The grand prize winner, category winners, and honorable mentions will be announced at the
Future Campus Summit in New York City, New York, June 26–27, 2024.

The Future Campus Award aims to not only recognize but also inspire colleges and universities worldwide to embrace technology’s transformative potential, leading the way to a more innovative, inclusive, and sustainable future in higher education. 

History of Future Campus Award

The Future Campus Award evolved from the Tambellini Technology Leadership Awards, which were established in 2015 to honor the achievements of higher education IT leaders and their teams. Over the past decade, the higher education technology landscape and the forces impacting higher education have changed significantly. Today, IT teams must collaborate institution-wide to ensure project and institutional success. The Future Campus Award celebrates this shift and recognize the collective effort of colleges and universities.

Higher Education Institutions


Solution Providers & Investors

market insights
Michael Bisson: Vice President of Student Product Strategy at Workday
Michael Bisson
Vice President, Student Product Strategy
Workday logo

Michael joined Workday in 2013 seeding the Student project team and contributing to its initial architecture and design. Michael led the Product Management team as they designed the core student product and facilitated a three-year customer design partner program. Today, Michael leads the Product Strategy team responsible for determining market fit, competitive market intelligence, and overall product direction. Prior to joining Workday, Michael worked 16 years at Peoplesoft and Oracle in support of the Campus Solutions product in Product Management, Development, and Support. Michael has committed his professional career to the improvement of higher education management through the design and development of Student Information Systems.

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