Tambellini Group Spotlight


The Tambellini Group & Mike Mathews, CIO of ORU Challenge

The Briella’s Hope Foundation Challenge to CIO’s
November 1, 2016- January 31, 2017

We love this time of year.  Because this is the month when many in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving, it brings us a wonderful opportunity to look back at the year and give thanks for all of the blessings given to us. As we move into the holiday season, we are reminded that this is a time of year regardless of the circumstances or the challenges we faced over the past year, we collectively give thanks for what we have— each other.

Last year one of our clients, Mike Mathews, CIO with Oral Roberts University, brought to our attention the medical struggle that his courageous little 2 year old granddaughter was having with an extremely rare leg deficiency.  Briella Angsomwine was born with an extremely rare congenital limb deficiency in her right leg known as Tibial Hemimelia (TH).  This disease affects roughly around 1 in a million children.  Unfortunately, the treatment of choice for TH has historically been biased towards amputation rather than reconstruction.  The Tambellini Group assisted Briella’s family by launching a fund raising campaign for Briella’s leg lengthening surgery at The Paley Institute of Limb Lengthening at St. Mary’s Medical Center in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Today I am happy to report that little Briella, now 3 years old, is walking, running, and dancing on her own two legs and feet.  Briella’s family has been so moved by the need to create awareness and help educate people on alternative choices to amputation that they have created the Briella’s Hope Foundation.  This year in partnership with The Paley Foundation, Briella’s Hope Foundation is setting out to raise funds to develop a virtual and augmented experience for patients and their families to understand the successful surgical procedures of advanced limb lengthening.

This year when Briella’s Hope Foundation and The Paley Foundation approached The Tambellini Group asking for our continued help we did not hesitate. As a company with deep roots in higher education, we could not be more excited to help raise funds for this innovative project. Gregory Ross, Director for The Paley Foundation states “We have become endeared to Briella in so many ways. Briella’s well documented journey via the internet has already created awareness in other parts of the world. We believe that applying augmented and virtual reality in the awareness campaign through Briella’s Hope will exponentially create opportunities for more families to learn and be educated on alternatives to amputation.”

Help us reach our goal of raising $10,000 for Briella’s Hope Foundation.  From November 2016 until January 31, 2017, we’ve created two fantastic opportunities for you to not only help other children around the world with limb deficiency, but also help your institution.

How You Can Help:

  • Spend some time with us! Schedule a personal online demo of Peertelligent, The Tambellini Group’s proprietary education and research gateway created exclusively for higher education institutions seeking unbiased information on technology investments. For every demo scheduled and completed, The Tambellini Group will make a $50 donation toward educating the world on amputation alternatives with augmented and virtual reality.
  • Go for the Gold! Schedule your demo AND become a Gold Member of Peertelligent and we will donate $500 to Briella’s Hope Foundation on behalf of your institution. A Gold Membership is a great option if you need personal assistance with vendor contract reviews, RFP assistance, or one-on-one advice with a senior analyst. Gold members receive exclusive services such as:
    • access to custom research and market reports;
    • private consulting engagements with our analysts;
    • discounts on extended consulting engagements

About Peertelligent: Peertelligent is a web-based proprietary technology gateway created by The Tambellini Group exclusively for higher education institutions seeking unbiased information on technology investments.  Peertelligent provides campus leaders and technology decision makers with information to help navigate the complex higher ed tech landscape through unbiased independent research.  Our members have access to technology reports from more than 19,000 colleges and universities.  Every higher ed technology decision should be made with Peertelligent.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: CIO’s, campus leaders evaluating technology solutions, enrollment management leaders, functional area technology teams, CTO’s, CFO’s, Directors of IT, academic leaders, and development leaders.

WHAT YOU’LL WALK AWAY WITH:  Unbiased research & reports on where technology in higher education is heading, peer views of technology, access to RFP and vendor databases and contacts, access to the software decisions your peers are making, information on recent developments in legacy vs cloud based systems, and more.

WHY?:  Since 2001, The Tambellini Group has been cataloging, capturing, and managing the actual technology decisions colleges and universities make every day.

Please contact Lauren Piper, (804) 438-9393, Vice President of Product Management & Marketing (e) lauren.piper@thetambellinigroup.com to schedule your demo before January 31, 2017 or SIGN UP HERE.

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