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Speaker Bio

Kedra Ishop, PhD
Vice President for Enrollment Management
University of Southern California

Dr. Kedra Ishop is Vice President for Enrollment Management at the University of Southern California (USC) and also serves as an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Rossier School of Education. In her administrative capacity, she oversees the admissions, financial aid, and registrars’ offices, including orientation and a multi-office collaborative effort regarding the Veterans Resource Center.

She came to USC from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, where she served as the school’s first Vice Provost for Enrollment Management from 2014-2020. During her tenure there, she advanced a student-centered vision while overseeing undergraduate admissions, financial aid, new student programs, and the registrar. To support this work, she expanded the Enrollment Management support structures to include Marketing and Communications, Enrollment Research, Data and Analytics, Strategic Initiatives, and Operational Effectiveness. Prior to Michigan, she served for 17 years in admissions at the University of Texas at Austin, concluding her service there as Vice Provost and Director of Admissions.

Dr. Ishop is a nationally recognized expert, speaker, and advisor on issues in higher education focused on issues of access and opportunity for low-income and students of traditionally under-represented backgrounds, recruitment and enrollment practices, standardized testing, legal and policy issues in admissions and enrollment, and curriculum development. She has also contributed to the Center for Enrollment Research, Policy and Practice, the Coalition for College Access, the National Collegiate Athletic Association, American Council on Education, Graduate School Council, Council of Graduate Schools, among others.

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Keynote June 17

Katie Drummond, Global Editorial Director, WIRED

Opening Remarks

Ben Nelson, Founder and Board Member, Minerva University

Disrupt or Build? The Innovation Ecology

Dr. Laura Huang, Distinguished Professor, Faculty Director of Women’s Entrepreneurship Initiative, Northeastern University; Author, Edge: Turning Adversity into Advantage

Navigational Leadership in the Era of Augmented Intelligence

Tom Andriola, Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and Data, Chief Digital Officer, University of California, Irvine

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